PhD in
Data Science and Analytics

I am so happy to be a member of the Data Science and Analytics (DSA) thrust in HKUST. There are many excellent professors and researchers whom I can learn from and discuss with. Previously I majored in mathematics and obtained a Master's degree in statistics. Now I decide to enter an interdisciplinary field like DSA where I can combine my theoretical knowledge with programming skills. Also, Guang Zhou is a nice place for my carefree second-year study. Each DSA student like me can have two supervisors from different departments. They will give us more inspiration to tackle a problem from different perspectives so that we can have a better understanding of current research topics. The department staffs here are so nice and make me feel warm as well. I remembered when I suffered a problem and sent an email to DSA, staff responded to me soon and even phoned me. I really recommend prospective students who are interested in big data, machine learning to join the DSA family no matter what their original backgrounds are. You can find excellent professors who guide you to the fantastic research world.

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